Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged ou. If I tagged you, it is because I want to know more about you.
1.) I have a law degree, and despite the above-mentioned directions, it still took me twenty minutes to figure out how to post this;
2.) I am convinced that the world would be a better place if everyone owned a rubber ducky;
3.) I am terribly proud of my little brother for serving his eighteen month tour in Iraq; I am not proud of this country's decision to go to war. The two are not irreconciable;
4.) Most of my work days are spent arguing over the meaning of words like,"reasonable" and "substantial." I have come to the conclusion that I am neither reasonable nor substantial;
5.) At times, it feels like this job steals my soul. I had a "moment" today when I went into my office, shut the door and sobbed. My first sexual abuse case, wherein I represented the abused child, was sentenced this afternoon. I wasn't crying because the man got what he deserved; I was crying because I didn't hate him after I met him;
6.) I have learned that everyone's truth is a fiction. It is the greatest irony of life.
7.) I whore semi-colons like nobody's business;
8.) I don't want children, and it gets irritating explaining to people that there is nothing wrong with that decision;
9.) If I had a house, I would be the enighbor that stuck flaming pink plastic falmingos over every last inch of grass. I would name them all and spend my mornings talking to them, asking things like, 'Fred, how are you today? Won't you be my neighbor?"
10.) I want to be a weed commissioner when I grow up.
11.) I don't do organized religition. My faith is in the people around me, and the talents they bring to the table. Admittedly, some days are bleak;
12.) I stereotype pople who listen to country music;
13.) I am a sucker for Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman;
14.) Emotionally and mentally, law school was the hardest thing I have ever done. After four years of practice, I now know why;
15.) I can't spell the words "judgment" or "negotiation" to save my life. I find this ironic given my chosen profession;
16.) I spent almost two decades of my life in a pool; I was 22 before I spent more than one week out of the water. I didn't swim for the exercise, the socializing, or the accomplishments. I swam because I loved the silence.
17.) I don't own a pet, because I would be a wreck if it died;
18.) I love my family; I just don't tell them often enough;
19.) I run on something I call "Tiff Time." It operates on a much slower plane than the rest of the universe. For whatever reason, it takes me longer to make those "big life" decisions. But when I finally decide to move forward, for better or worse, I don't look back.
20.) I love Tara Lipinski-- even still. I don't care how bad she flutzed;
21.) I should never have been given a license to drive. I have hit an ATM, a lampost, a wheelchair ramp, and a brick wall. I would look both ways if I were you;
22.) I don't worry about meeting the "right" guy. If he's all that "right," he will find me; and in the meantime, I am happily living my life with me, myself and I;
23.) My little sister is my hero. Her strength astounds me on a daily basis;
24.) I once represented a guy who thought he was a cat. At the last hearing of the case, he tried to lick the Judge. It was a rather awkward moment, and to this day, cats creep me out;
25.) I hate confrontation.
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